Turner ECS sells and service a wide variety of Woodward controllers for the genset, synchronization and load share market.
The controllers enable synchronization and load share sequencing across generator, mains and tie-breakers.
Functionality like isochronous load sharing, kW and kVar control, peak shaving, base load, automatic mains failure and/or power factor control are included.
Basic controllers provide standard features for non-parallel, parallel or load share applications that are easy to set up and use.
For more complex load flows, or even protection schemes,
Turner ECS provide products with integrated protection features, programmable logic functionality and communication interfaces. With help of programmable logic functionality you can eliminate programming effort in your PLC.

Genset controls for your power generation systems
Turner ECS offers a wide range of controllers for the generator set market.
From base load to peak shaving, emergency standby power, or communications-intensive grid connected or island distributed power generation, Woodward controllers meet the diverse needs of the on-site electrical power generation industry.
The Woodward easYgen Series controllers operate gensets of all sizes and applications. These controllers include specifically designed algorithms and logic to start, stop, control, and protect the genset, circuit breaker, and the utility where applicable.
These applications can range from single stand-alone emergency backup power to parallel load sharing of multiple gensets in complex, segmented distribution systems with multiple utility feeds and tie breakers.
Reliability for your power distribution and power generation systems
Turner ECS offers a wide variety of controllers for the synchronization and load share market. Basic controllers provide standard features for parallel or load share applications that are easy to set up and use.
The controllers enable synchronization and load share sequencing across generator, mains, and tie breakers.
For more demanding applications synchronisers are available that combines the synchronizer, load sensor, load control, dead bus closing system, VAR, power factor and process control, all in one powerful package.

Mains Control
Woodward’s MSLC-2 functions with the DSLC-2 control to provide synchronization and load control across Utility and Intertie breakers. The MSLC-2/DSLC-2 combination operates over an Ethernet communication network to control simple or complex generator system applications. This combination, 32 DSLC-2’s and 16 MSLC-2’s, provide multiple unit, multiple segment, utility and intertie power management for complex power systems. Controls plant wide import/export levels while always providing bump-less load transfers with utility.

Non-sequantial load shedding
Based on a decade long relation following several steam turbine controller, actuator and trip system retrofits, Yara Sluiskil awarded Turner ECS the order to integrate and modernize the complete control of their Nitric Acid compressor train.

Jack-Up Rig Power Generation
To add a fourth column, reduce the size of these three columns using the right icon of each block. Then, duplicate one of the columns to create a new one as a copy.
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